Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Development in Pulau Semakau such as daming up of rivers to form reservoirs and canalisation of streams or waterways, land reclamation have reduced the number of mangrove forests, driving out species living in them.

Api-api jambu is Singapore’s rarest Avicennia. Its fruits are eaten, leaves fed to livestock while the wood produces good-quality pulp for paper production. In traditional medicine, the bark resin is used as a contraceptive and the leaves used to treat burns. This tree is listed as 'Critically Endangered' in the Red List of threatened plants of Singapore

Inconsiderate fishing and catching of organisms in Pulau Semakau. Fishnets are left after the fishing is done but they caught some marine organisms in them. Also, the long driftnets were left there after being used, it destroyed the corals. Below is an example of a snail being caught in the net, and it is listed as Vulnerable in Singapore.

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